Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Vaccines and Autism

Ah, I love people who don't understand science or statistics. This CNN article is about how some parents believe that vaccines have caused their children's autism. For example:

Dr. Paul Offit, chief of infectious diseases at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, says the connection between vaccines and autism is nothing more than a sad coincidence... "The studies compared autism rates among populations of children who did and did not receive the MMR vaccines, and among those who did and did not receive vaccines containing thimerosal. It's been asked and answered: Vaccines don't cause autism," Offit says. Michelle Cedillo's parents disagree. "I think there is a link," says Theresa Cedillo, Michelle's mother.

Wow. She disagrees. Personally, I go through the day disagreeing with facts all the time. No, wait, that would be the definition of insanity.

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