Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Well, my wife and I managed to get in to hear Richard Dawkins, although it didn't look like we would. We got there about 6:10 (it was scheduled for 7:00), and the line already wrapped around the building twice. It about doubled again before 7. Apparently there was a "reserve" ticket list which was not mentioned on the website, so we were pretty worried. The venue held about 1200 people, and when some of the organizers were walking around they estimated the line at about 2000. Fortunately (for us), there was some miscommunication about the tickets as a cop/security guard was walking down the line later saying all the tickets had been handed out. A lot of people left, but we stayed in line and lo and behold, there was another organizer walking down the line still handing out tickets. The talk itself was pretty entertaining; I enjoyed it, but I was somewhat disappointed. I was hoping that he would talk about the book (this was The God Delusion tour) instead of re-hashing what was in the book. That is, I was looking for him to talk about the reaction or his experiences writing it. Instead he covered (unfortunately rather superficially) most of the main topics. So, a little disappointing -- but he had some funny stuff too. Surprisingly, my wife enjoyed the talk too. I got my book signed. I'm satisfied.

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