Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Just to round things out...

I've recently criticized McCain and Obama, so here's something about Hillary. Ed Brayton has a video and blurb about her recent lie about her trip to Bosnia. Wow.
She'll say and do anything. I can't figure out what appeal she has at all. It's unfathomable. McCain and Obama, I understand the appeal, and I actually like both of them, in a kind of "I don't think I'm going to vote for this guy, but he seems decent enough" way. But Clinton? Really? What we really do not need in American politics right now is to tack on "Clinton" to the recent chain of presidents that already looks like this: "Bush, Clinton, Bush". The notion that we are descending into an heriditary presidency is silly, but it would be very clear that the electorate has lost it's imagination if Hillary wins. Can we please do something different?

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